Super Mom Valedictory Function

Super Mom Valedictory Function

Super Mom

A specially designed programme for the mothers on effective parenting skills is being conducted in our school,  in online mode from 24 Apr 2021 to 06 May 2021. Very useful topics are being covered in this programme by very experienced resource persons. Dr Sumayaa, Principal of TBAK College for Women, Kilakarai and Prof. Sadhvi Nirmal from M.S.Chellamuthu Institute of Mental Health and Rehabilitation, Madurai also delivered lectures in this programme.

The topics covered are child psychology, stages of development, types of parenting, parenting mistakes, parenting tips, anger /stress management, home science, nutrition & dietetics, time management,  learning disabilities,  character building, ethics in day to day life. There were very important lectures on Eimaan, taqwa & Dua were also covered.  Alhamdulillah, the parents were very actively participating and submitting their assignments.

06 May 2021, will be the valedictory function wherein Janab Ahmed Meeran, Chairman Unity Public School, Chennai and Gen. Secretary OMEIAT will be the chief guest. Please join this virtual function on ZOOM and grace the occasion. Solicit your duas.

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