School Rules

General Guidelines for Parents

Education starts primarily at home and hence parents are expected to co-operate with the school with regard to their child’s integral growth.

Parents should be good role models, enforce positive criticism, discourage watching Television, and encourage recitation of Qur’an and performance of Salah.

Parents are requested to respect the school’s policy on child’s behaviour and disciplinary actions.

Since the medium of instruction is English, conversing in English is mandatory for all students. This habit should be encouraged at home too by the way of conversation and newspaper reading.

Parents are discouraged from bringing lunch to their wards in the afternoon.

Report cards should only be signed by the parents/ guardian.

Parents will not be allowed to meet/see their wards during school working hours as students are encouraged to be more responsible and independent

The school does not encourage the celebration of Birthdays. Hence wearing of Colour Dress, Distribution of Sweets, for this reason, is not entertained

Parents should compulsorily attend the parent-teacher meeting or any other seminars conducted by the school

The school wishes the parents to maintain a good rapport with the Principal and staff and to be courteous when they visit the school.

It would be appreciated if parents could telephone the school on all routine matters during office hours.

Parents can meet the Class teacher/Subject Teachers/Coordinator/ Vice-principal/Principal only on permitted visiting hours and not during class hours.

Support school officials in their efforts to develop and maintain a well-disciplined school.

Share the responsibility with the school for the betterment of the student’s conduct.

Provide the following to support the academic programme of the school

A nourishing breakfast to your child in the morning without fail.

Ensure adequate lunch, snacks, drinking water, spoons and napkins are provided.

Well sharpened pencils, pens, covered notebooks and books.

Press uniforms on a daily basis

Avoid outings during the term to ensure regular attendance at school.

Ensure a good night sleep by avoiding TV viewing by your child.

Discuss with your children regarding their studies.

Talk to the children about events that happen in the country and around the world and take children out to places of interest.

Forbid your child from wearing costly jewellery or expensive watches or colourful bands or clips to school.

The School will take no responsibility for any loss or damage to the above mentioned and other relevant private property.

All policies of the school have been framed in the interest of the student; hence they should be practised without infringement, failure of which may be considered as a serious breach of promise

Breaching of rules will invite stern disciplinary action as determined by the school authorities.

Withdrawals and Issue of T.C

Withdrawal of students during the school academic year is not advised. However, parents willing to withdraw the student at the end of an academic year must submit an application for T.C in written format on or before 31st March.

Parents who withdraw their TC requisition due to their personal reasons will have to pay a readmission fee and those parents who apply for TC after 1st Apr will have to pay the first term fee.

No TC will be issued unless all the arrears due to the school are paid in full.

Duplicate copies of TC will not be issued.

Child Protection Policy

Action by children:

Any child who believes he or she is being physically or sexually disturbed by anyone should immediately tell someone about it.

They should tell their:

  • Mother / Father / a school friend       (or)
  • The Class teacher / Vice Principal / Academic Co-ordinator / Principal.    (or)
  • Ring childline on 1098 and tell them.

Always tell someone, so you can get help quickly.