Book Free Day

Book Free Day ( B F D )

Education, as we know, is undergoing a paradigm shift. There is an immense ongoing transformation in all of its facets including the teaching-learning process and the actual teaching content. The need has always been felt to include activities, projects, competitions, sports, personality development and also various skills. But time and again the reason given for non-introduction of the above is lack of time and place. The issue is compounded by the various levels of students in multiple sections.

We at Imam Shafi (Rah) Matric. Hr. Sec. School, Adirampattinam have implemented a novel program from the academic year 2018-19, named as B F T. This programme aims at imparting 21st Century skills that are expected to be mastered by the coming generations viz., Creativity, Critical Thinking, Communication and Collaboration

The Concept:

As the name suggests children will come without their books on a particular day of the week. This program is being implemented for classes from 3rd to 9th  Std. During the entire day the students will be engaged in different activities in 4 domains. The domains are:

  1. Academics – Group / Individual activities and projects
  2. Sports
  3. Skill Development
  4. Co-Curricular Activities



Programs in Brief:

A BFT coordinator who is one of our teachers, is responsible to plan, coordinate and supervise the implementation of the program.

The day’s schedule is as follows:

  • Enriched Morning Assembly – 30 minutes
  • Mass Drill – 30minutes
  • News Analysis – 30 minutes
  • Short break – 15 minutes
  • Identification of Talents and Nurturing – 60 minutes
  • Subject Related Projects – 90 minutes
  • Lunch break and salah
  • Arabic and Deeniyat Dept. Activities – 60 minutes
  • Peer Learning and Seminars
  • Teachers’ Skill Development Programme


Academic Projects / Activities

    1. Four activities / projects were selected / designed for each subject and language including deeniyath (total 25 projects for each class in one year)
    2. The activities were matched to their respective syllabi and were supervised by the respective subject teachers
    3. All material required was procured by the coordinator well in advance
    4. Marks were allotted for the projects and were reflected in the marks card under the skill competency of each subject.

CCA (Co-curricular Activities)

  • Competitions – Intra-class competitions were conducted covering elocution,, literary, arts, deeniyath, quiz etc. (Please refer CCA Activity Chart)


 Skill Lab

Introduction to skill training at a young age will by all means give the student an opportunity to explore various options and accordingly, narrow down on a vocation of his/her liking. If a student opts for motor repair as a skill development course while in school, at a later stage, he can opt for a diploma or degree in automobile engineering.

  1. A basic skill lab will be set up in a suitable hall to impart basic skills in:
  2. Calligraphy, Plumbing, electrical and appliances for boys
  3. Electrical, appliances, cooking and stitching for girls
  4. When a batch of 40 goes to the skill lab, they can be sub-grouped into small batches of 10 each and assigned in one area of skill development as mentioned above.
  5. Skill labs are supervised by trained personnel

BFD Activity