School Policies – Students

Payment of Fees

School Policies – Students

Imam Shafi (Rah) Matric. Hr. Sec. School provides a very encouraging atmosphere where learning is a pleasure for every child. It has implemented the following policies to bring in standard and in grooming a well-rounded personality among the students.

1. School Timing:

LKG9.30 AM to 12.30 PMIn the first academic month it will be 10 to 11 am
UKG to IV Std.9.30 AM to 4.05 PMUKG to II Std. students will be permitted to go home for lunch and school transport will be provided
V to VIII Std.8.30 AM to 4.30 PM
IX to XII Std.8.30 am to 4.50 pmThe last hour will be for special coaching and the details will be shared
  • Lunch and Salah Break: 12.55 to 1.45 pm
  • Generally, second and fourth Saturdays are holidays. If any of the working days are declared as a holiday by the Government or on the basis of the requirements specified Saturdays will be declared as working days.
  • The school may conduct any special programme at other times if it is necessary for the welfare of the student.

2. School Uniform:

It is mandatory for every student to adhere to the dress code of the School.

Shirt: Full sleeves, with cuffs.
Collar – Mandarin
The salwar tops should be full-sleeved and loose
Trousers: Regular – Fit only (No pleats).
Tight fit, Pencil Fit, baggies and low-hip stitch are strictly not allowed.

The length of the Pants should be above the ankle

Whitecap as prescribed, for the Muslim boys
The pants should be loose and lengthy enough to cover the ankles.
The headscarf should be worn in such a way that it conceals the hair properly.

It is mandatory for all the Muslim students studying in class VI and above to wear the Abhayah (Outer garment) in plain black color without any designs. It should be loose and lengthy enough to cover the ankles

Please Note:

For the pattern and colour of the uniform, please contact the office. If any irregularity in uniform is found, the student will be asked to stitch a new pair of dress.

The student is advised to strictly wash and iron the uniform and be presentable.

Students are not encouraged to wear colour dress and slippers to school.

The students are expected to wear a decent dress and they should avoid coming in casual dresses such as lungis, T-shirts etc., when visiting school other than the school hours or while collecting TC or for other purposes.

Use of Mehandi, perfume, jewellery and facial beautification is strictly not allowed

Non-Muslim students are exempted from wearing the Abayah and the headscarf

3. Payment of Fees

School Fee along with conveyance charges for those students who are using the school van facility are payable for twelve calendar months of the year.

The fee once paid will not be refunded.

Please preserve the fee receipt and to be produced for verification as and when required by school authorities

Generally, concessions in fees are not encouraged as the school charges a minimal fee in the area. However, concessions in fees can be considered for orphans, and children of those parents who are eligible for Zakat at the sole discretion of the management. If the child’s performance is not up to the expected standard and if there are any disciplinary issues the concessions will be withdrawn.

If a 3rd child of the same parent joins the school when his/her other 2 siblings are studying in the school, will get 25% concession in the tuition fees.

4. Rules of Leave, Absence & Late Arrival

Every Student should maintain 80% of attendance in a year. Any violation of this rule may disqualify a pupil from being promoted to the next class or being sent for public examinations.

Attendance on the re-opening day after any occasional, terminal and annual holidays is compulsory. Fine will be imposed on the defaulting students.

Application for leave of absence should be made by the parent or guardian of the student and addressed to the class teacher if it is not exceeding two days and to the Principal if it is for a longer period

No pupil shall absent himself /herself without obtaining prior sanction of leave from the class teacher except in the cases of unforeseen circumstances. In such cases, the application for leave shall be sent to the class teacher on the first day of their presence.

If absent for two or more consecutive days for medical reasons or any other reason, the parent should meet the Principal in person, preferably with the medical certificate.

Students are responsible for making up all work missed during his/her leave of absence.

Attendance on working Saturdays is compulsory.

Students who travel overseas will be granted a maximum of 1-month leave. This will be granted to only those students who have a good academic record and studying in class IX and below. In such cases, the parents have to make good the loss of education with remedial classes. If it is not informed or if the leave exceeds more than 1 month, the child will be struck from the school rolls and readmission fees will have to be paid for continuing education.

Late arrival to school

Coming late to school will not be entertained. Late-comers will be excused only three times a month for valid reasons. If late attendance exceeds for more than three days, they will be allowed to enter the Classroom after explaining the reasons to the principal. If it persists necessary disciplinary action will be initiated. The parents will be called for counselling and also if needed a fine can be imposed.

5. Health and Hygiene

Students to follow a healthy lifestyle, eat healthy food, avoid junk foods.

Boys to sport a decent hairstyle

Nails to be clipped regularly and maintained clean. No nail polishes to be used.

Any health complication the students has or any allergies are to be intimated to the school in writing while admission or whenever such need arises.

Students returning to school after suffering from an infectious or contagious disease are to produce a doctor’s certificate permitting them to do so.

A student suffering from the following diseases must observe the prescribed period of quarantine before returning to the class:

  1. Chicken Pox – Until the scabs fall completely.
  2. Cholera – Until the child recovers
  3. Measles – Two weeks after the rash disappears
  4. Mumps – Until the swelling has gone
  5. Whooping Cough – Six Weeks
  6. Viral Fever – 3-5 days
  7. Covid 19 – After negative results

6. Discipline

Teachers play an active role as guides and mentors. They motivate, praise, and acknowledge good student behaviour in maintaining a happy school environment. Students are expected to act in a courteous, responsible manner at all times.

The following activities are strictly forbidden in the school:

Coming late to school or class

Scribbling on the walls

Use of regional language (Tamil)

Spitting in or near the school buildings

Disfiguring or damaging any school property.

Use of chewing gums

Speaking to the opposite gender

Not completing the works/assignments given by teachers on time.

Malpractices during examinations

Violent and rude behaviour

Possession and usage of mobile phones and other such electronic devices. If seized it will be returned at the end of the academic year only.

Skipping Salah

Disrespecting teachers, office staff and helpers

In case of reported misconduct, the following steps will be taken by the school:

  1. In the first instance of misconduct, the student will be counselled by the respective teacher/class teacher
  2. In the second instance, the student will be referred to the School Counsellor and the matter will be informed
  3. In the third instance, the student will be issued a disciplinary slip and the matter will be brought to the notice of the Parents.
  4. On the receipt of two disciplinary slips, the student will be suspended for a period of three days or expelled from the school depending on the nature of the misconduct.
  1. Damage done to the buildings, furniture, library books, sports equipment etc., must be compensated for by the person responsible for causing the damage.
  2. The school authorities reserve the right to take the appropriate disciplinary action including dismissal/suspension against the student whose conduct is detrimental to the moral tone, discipline and educative atmosphere of the school.

 7. Policy in the Event of Bullying

Imam shafi (Rah) Matric. Hr. Sec. School is known to be a happy caring school and so cases of bullying will be viewed very seriously. Bullying includes any form of behaviour that causes physical or mental pain to another student. It may be expressed in the form of verbal abuse, using bad words, referring to one’s background disrespectfully, making fun of others appearance and impairments, pinching, pushing, pulling, hitting, breaking and damaging other’s personal possessions.

Complaints procedure

There is a proper procedure for any complaint. The child should first speak to his or her class teacher or the respective Coordinator. Children may also have an access to the Principal/Academic Coordinator if they wish to make a formal complaint.

Procedures for Disciplining

If a student commits any mistake even if it is a minor form of bullying, the class teacher can make the particular student stand at the back of the class for the entire period. If the same is repeated the matter should be informed to the parent through the student’s handbook and brought to the notice of the respective Coordinator. A case will be registered in the punishment register.

If it occurs again, it will be informed to the principal who will either warn or counsel the student appropriately and issue a Blue card in the presence of the parent. If the mistake/incident is repeated further, the parent is informed of the matter through the dispatch of a red card and the same is recorded in the punishment register. From that day onwards the principal is empowered to suspend or dismiss the student

8. Withdrawals and Issue of T.C

Withdrawal of students during the school academic year is not advised. However, parents willing to withdraw the student at the end of an academic year must submit an application for T.C in written format on or before 31st March.

Parents who withdraw their TC requisition due to their personal reasons will have to pay a readmission fee and those parents who apply for TC after 1st Apr will have to pay the first term fee.

No TC will be issued unless all the arrears due to the school are paid in full.

Duplicate copies of TC will not be issued.

9. Parents visiting hours: